Map showing ten areas with the highest burglaries in auckland

The 10 Most Burgled Neighbourhoods in Auckland revealed

After finding out the alarming statistic of Auckland crime rising almost 20% year on year, we wondered what else we could find in publicly available data. It turns out the Police collect data on a regional unit level, by neighbourhood. With our services all primarily focusing on burglary/robbery prevention, we examined the burglary data. What we found may be surprising to many…

This article reveals the ten areas of Auckland hardest hit by burglaries (unlawful entry attempts) in 2022. Click on the neighbourhood’s name in the list below as well to see its geographic boundaries on a map

NOTE: Living in one of these neighbourhoods is NOT the end of the world. Installing a rigorous security system with spotlight CCTV combined with an alarm system with jarring sirens may deter 80-90% of burglars. Talk to us today for a free consult and quote.

Burglaries: 787 attempts

Photo of Central Auckland showing buildings at night

The police data splits this area into Auckland Central West and Central East. We’ve combined them into one neighbourhood as they took the 1st and 2nd spots respectively anyway. This is by far the most burgled neighbourhood in this list. There are many businesses and residential dwellings in this area, as well as a high population density.

Burglaries: 290 attempts

Birds eye view of Takanini South an auckland neighbourhood

Burglaries: 244 attempts

Photo of Mount Wellington an auckland neighbourhood

Burglaries: 207 attempts

photo of auckland harbourside the central waterfront

Auckland Harbourside borders both Auckland Central West and East, however we decided not to merge it with those two as it stretches considerably far east to not be considered “central” anymore. It shares a very similar population and business density to Auckland Central, explaining its high position on this list.

Burglaries: 200 attempts

photo of pukekohe an auckland neighbourhood

Burglaries: 193 attempts

photo of otahuhu west an auckland suburb

Burglaries: 186 attempts

photo of houses in homai east an auckland neighbourhood

Burglaries: 176 attempts

Photo of Henderson South an auckland neighbourhood

Burglaries: 171 attempts

Photo of Parnell west an auckland neighbourhood

Burglaries: 164 attempts


How was this data found?

Through the police data website, we were able to find the victimisations report. After choosing the specific fields the report was downloaded, containing every single entry of an unlawful entry across Auckland. To process the data, it was made into a pivot table in Microsoft Excel. Only keeping the months included in 2022 and deleting the few entries from 2021 and 2023. Then the entries had to be grouped together by area. From there we sorted the results to get the top 10.

Most burgled Auckland Neighbourhoods spreadsheet

The maps were taken from the same database, and duplicated onto a My Maps custom Google Map. 


If you are looking to move into Auckland, or you’re already here but looking to change neighbourhoods, this list may be an eye opener for you. If you are willing to brave any of these places, it is certainly worth looking at installing a security system for your home or to protect your business. The intruder deterrence from having a well monitored and secured will help you thrive in these places despite the high crime.

two security cameras; one black, one white

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