photo of a contact sensor showing magnet and magnetic sensor

Secure your Home with Contact Sensors for Windows & Doors

UPDATED: 28/09/2023

An intruder isn’t always going to break glass to get into your house. And a CCTV camera may not always be active. In case of a prolonged power outage, even a camera system with a backup battery can only last so long. This is where contact sensors come into play. These guys are tiny but very rigorous alarm sensors that should be considered for any multi layer alarm system.

How Contact Sensors work

Contact sensors are simple devices that send an alert whenever a door or window is opened. They work on the basic properties of magnetic fields[1]. A contact sensor consists of two parts: magnet and sensor. The magnet is usually placed on the moving part (door or window), and the sensor placed on the frame.

  • The sensor detects when the magnetic field is moved away
  • This indicates that the door or window has been opened. Think of it almost like a switch that is triggered when the magnet is moved away.
  • Upon this detection, the signal from the sensor changes
  • The controller receives the signal change.

When a magnetic field is suddenly disturbed, it’s akin to an invisible switch being flipped. The sensor, diligently stationed on the frame, quickly catches this change. It’s as if a watchful sentry at your home’s entrance senses any unwelcome guests trying to sneak in through the door or window. This change in the magnetic field doesn’t go unnoticed; it instantly triggers an alert, signaling the controller that something’s amiss, and your home security is in play.

metal enclosed contact sensor showing wires, magnet and sensor

Benefits of installing Contact Sensors

As a component of a larger security system, contact sensors play a part in crime deterrence. However, as they are quite low profile, deterrence is not necessarily their primary strength. Especially when cameras are already watching the entire perimeter of the property.

In fact, you may even ask: Why use contact sensors when cameras already watch my whole property? There are three key advantages.

1. No Power required - Save Electricity

comparison illustration showing no power usage of contact sensors vs large power demands of a cctv camera

Imagine having a security sensor that doesn’t hunger for power, and you’ve got yourself a winner. These sensors are the embodiment of simplicity, operating on a basic physical principle that’s refreshingly low-tech. Here’s why they stand out as a powerful sensor—pun not intended.

  • Magnet Magic: The key player in this duo, the magnet, doesn’t demand a single drop of electricity[2]. It’s a passive element that does its job without needing a power source, making it a beacon of efficiency in the world of security technology.

  • Sensor Vigilance: On the other side, the sensor, responsible for detecting magnetic changes, follows suit. It doesn’t clamor for power either. It’s like a sentinel in the night, keeping a watchful eye without sipping on the juice of electricity.

Now, here’s where these sensors truly shine—during a power outage or a deliberate power cut. While other gadgets, like your energy-hungry CCTV system, throw in the towel when the lights go out and quickly drain their backup batteries, these sensors are the last ones standing. They continue working diligently, ensuring that your security remains uncompromised.

Long-lasting Reliability

The beauty of these sensors lies in their enduring performance. When the batteries of your fancy camera system have surrendered to the darkness, these sensors are still on the job, sending alerts and maintaining your peace of mind. They operate efficiently, with minimal electricity usage, making them not only reliable but also cost-effective. So, while other devices may falter in the face of power demands, these sensors keep their cool, proving that simplicity can be remarkably effective.

In a world where power can be fickle, these sensors are a beacon of consistency, ensuring your security never takes a break, even when the lights do.

2. Smart home integration - Control from your phone

Imagine a world where your home takes care of itself, where your devices work together seamlessly to make your life easier. That’s where smart home integration comes into play, and these contact sensors are more than ready to join the party.

  • Central Controller Connection: These sensors easily connect to your central controller, the brain of your smart home. It’s like the conductor of an orchestra, coordinating all the instruments to create a beautiful melody. With this connection, you have the power to monitor the status of these sensors from the palm of your hand.

  • Handy Smartphone Access: Thanks to this integration, all you need is your trusty smartphone. You can simply open an app and check the status of these sensors anytime, anywhere. It’s like having a security camera in your pocket, but without the bulk.

Beyond Security: Practical Benefits

Smart home integration isn’t just about security; it’s about convenience and savings too.

  • Window Alerts: Imagine the convenience of receiving a notification on your smartphone when you’ve forgotten to close a window. It’s like having a digital assistant that looks out for you. You’ll never leave an entry point open unintentionally again.

  • Energy Efficiency: Smart homes are about efficiency, and these sensors play a part in that. In winter, they help you save on heating costs by preventing heat from escaping through open windows. In the scorching summer, they remind you to close windows before turning on the air conditioning, ensuring your power bill doesn’t skyrocket. It’s like having a personal energy manager, helping you make smarter choices and keeping your home comfortable without wasting resources.

So, whether it’s about boosting your security or making your daily life easier and more cost-effective, smart home integration with these contact sensors is a smart move. They’re like the superheroes of your smart home, silently working in the background to make your life better.

3. Cost effective - Affordable home security

Let’s face it; homes come in all shapes and sizes, just like budgets. So, when it comes to fortifying your fortress, one size doesn’t fit all. That’s where the beauty of cost-effective solutions, like contact sensors, shines through.

  • Diverse Properties: Every property is unique, from cozy apartments to sprawling estates. Your home security strategy should match your property’s individuality. Sometimes, going all out and recording every single entry point with a security camera doesn’t make practical or financial sense.

  • Sensible Savings: Enter contact sensors, the unsung heroes of affordable electronics. They don’t break the bank but are still dependable. Think of them as your wallet-friendly security allies, offering a budget-friendly alternative to pricier cameras.

A fraction of the cost

  • Plug the Holes: Not all entry points are equally important, and not all corners of your property need the same level of surveillance. That’s where contact sensors come into play. They help you plug those surveillance holes, ensuring that even on a budget, you can maintain a robust security system.

  • Affordable Peace of Mind: Home security shouldn’t be a luxury reserved for a select few. Contact sensors make it accessible to all, allowing you to safeguard your home without draining your wallet. It’s like having your cake and eating it too, a practical and affordable way to ensure your peace of mind.

In a world where every penny counts, contact sensors offer a cost-effective path to bolstering your home security. They’re the champions of the budget-conscious homeowner, proving that you don’t need to spend a fortune to keep your home safe and sound.


In summary, contact sensors are smart additions to your security setup, whether it’s for your home or business. Here’s why they stand out:

  • Extra Security Layer: Contact sensors provide an added layer of protection, ensuring that all entry points, like doors and windows, are watched over.

  • Reliable in Power Outages: Even during total power outages, these sensors continue to work, maintaining your security.

  • Affordable Choice: They are budget-friendly, making security accessible without breaking the bank.

  • Smart Integration: They easily connect to your smart home system, allowing you to manage your security from your smartphone.

In a nutshell, contact sensors are simple, effective, and budget-friendly tools to enhance your security, whether it’s for your home or business.


two security cameras; one black, one white

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