Be Prepared: Vital areas to watch with CCTV
Security cameras work as a deterrent and a round-the-clock guardian for your property. We try to think like a burglar whilst inspecting a property to decide where CCTV needs to monitor. Intruders target weak entry points and common areas with low poor visibility to sneak into a property unnoticed. These are our recommendations on areas to watch over with CCTV in your home:
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1. Front and Back doors

CCTV surveillance of external doors is extremely vital for residential properties. This is because these entry points are often the first point of contact for burglars, and if they can’t gain access through these doors, they may move on to another target. This includes the front and back doors, as well as any other doors that provide access to the property, such as a garage or side entrance.
It’s important to have security cameras positioned near these entry points, so that they can capture clear footage of anyone attempting to enter the property. This footage will be used to identify burglars. It’ll also be used as evidence if a break-in does occur. It’s also important to have the cameras positioned in a way that they can capture the face and any other identifying features of the person trying to break in.
Additionally, cameras positioned at entry points can monitor the comings and goings of residents and visitors. This is useful for keeping track of who is on the property at any given time. It can also monitor the delivery of packages and other items, ensuring that they are received by the right person.
2. Driveways and walkways
Monitoring driveways and walkways is an important aspect of CCTV security for residential properties as it helps to deter burglars and provide valuable footage in case of any suspicious activity. Driveways and walkways provide a clear path to the front or back door of a residence. Burglars often use driveways and walkways to approach a property unseen, making it more difficult for residents to detect their presence.
Having security cameras on driveways and walkways can deter burglars by making them aware that they are being recorded from the get-go. Additionally, cameras positioned in these areas capture clear footage of anyone attempting to gain access to the property, which can be used to identify suspects and provide evidence in the event of a break-in.
Furthermore, monitoring driveways and walkways is also be useful for keeping track of visitors or delivery personnel. Finally, it can reveal suspicious activity, like loitering or strange vehicles parked for long periods of time.
3. Windows

Windows are a very common point of entry for burglars. They are targeted by burglars because they are a point of entry that is less visible from the street and may be less secure than doors. Windows are often left open or unlocked, making it easier for burglars to gain access to the property.
Positioning CCTV to monitor windows also deters burglars. Cameras watching the windows capture clear footage of anyone trying to climb in through the windows. It’s recommended to have cameras positioned in a way that will capture the face and any identifying features of a person attempting to break into your home through the windows. This will be used to identify suspects and provide evidence in the event of a break-in.
4. Backyard and Patios

Especially for a bigger property, these areas can be a hotspot for burglars. They are often targeted because they provide a common area that is less visible from the street. A backyard leads not only to the less visible back side of the house but also other buildings like sheds or sleepouts. Also, burglars may also target these areas directly because they contain valuable items such as outdoor furniture, grills, and other equipment.
Watching backyards and patios with security cameras helps deter burglars by making them aware that their presence is being recorded. Additionally, cameras positioned to monitor backyards and patios can capture clear footage of anyone attempting to gain access to the property through the backyards and patios, which can be used to identify suspects and provide evidence in the event of a break-in.
5. Basements and Garages
These areas can be a security weakness, even if the outside of the house is already monitored. Burglars may still attempt to gain access to the property through the basement or garage. They often feature smaller, less thought about windows through which it is easy to climb in. Intruders can use these areas as a point of entry to the rest of the house, or solely focus on them. Basements and garages are often used to store valuable items such as tools, appliances, and electronics, expensive sports equipment and vehicles.
6. Sheds

Sheds often store thousands of dollars of tools and other valuables like bikes, kayaks, machinery, etc. Monitoring a shed is important even if a backyard camera is already in place for several reasons.
First, a backyard camera may not have a clear view of the shed, meaning that a burglar could break into the shed without being seen by the camera. Positioning a security camera specifically to monitor the shed will provide a clear view of any activity at the shed and deter burglars from breaking in.
Second, backyard CCTV may not be able to capture the level of detail that is needed to identify a burglar. A shed camera will be able to capture a clear view of the burglar’s face and other identifying features which will be helpful in identifying the suspect and providing evidence.
Lastly, a backyard camera may not be able to provide real-time monitoring of the shed, meaning a break-in could go totally unnoticed until you realise your tools are missing. A security camera dedicated to monitor the shed will provide real-time monitoring, which means that any robbery can be detected and responded to immediately.
While this guide is very thorough, it is not exhaustive, and every property will need a unique approach to provide the best security. In general, a CCTV system must watch over the most vulnerable entry points and as many valuable areas as is reasonable. Look at your property from the mind of a burglar and decide where you would target – monitor this spot with CCTV.