10 Auckland areas with the most Business Break-ins
Last week we collated police data of all the break-ins in Auckland in 2022. Realising we could detail it further by location types, it was now possible to make a business specific victimisations report. The recent alarming trend of ram raids falls into this category.
This business specific report is similar to the original, but with some big jumps from East-South Auckland areas such as Onehunga. Outside of Central Auckland, the picture is now centered heavily towards East and South Auckland.
This article reveals the top 10 areas suffering the most business-break ins including ram raids in 2022.
1. Auckland Central
250 Business Break ins

In the police data Auckland Central is split into West and East. As with the original report, we’ve logically merged the two into a single Auckland Central with 250 combined business break ins . Even without the merge, the Western half takes the top spot, carrying 180 break ins by itself.
The CBD is a high density area of both residential and business properties, which could explain the high levels of crime.
2. Mt Wellington South
93 Business Break ins

In this business only report, Mount Wellington climbs to second place from third in the original, with 93 business break ins. The Southern Motorway runs through this area and it is an important centre of business, thus seeing a lot of traffic. Even the nearby police station on the Ellerslie-Panmure highway however is not enough to deter a stream of crime.
3. Auckland Harbourside
69 Business Break ins

The seaside neighbour of Auckland Central, Auckland Harbourside caps off the dark podium as third place with 69 break ins. Like Auckland Central it is a fairly high density area, and also suffers a spill over of crime from the centre.
4. Manukau Central
67 Business Break ins

Manukau city is saturated with businesses, and thus its presence here makes a lot of sense. Jumping from 42nd position in the full report to 4th in this business focused one. It is clear that a huge portion of break ins here are targeted at business properties, and the numbers support this – 67 business break ins.
5. Onehunga South East
61 Business Break ins

Onehunga is another heavily industrial zone, with many business targets. Just like Manukau, this region sits in 67th position in the original report. Yet when filtered by businesses it makes the top 5 with 61 break ins.
Onehunga is another high traffic area with State Highway 20, Church Street (Urban Route 10), and Neilson Street running through it.
6. Penrose
60 Business Break ins

Another business centric area, Penrose just like the last two areas sees a big jump. Originally sitting in 22nd when including residential break-ins, in this business report it’s up to 6th with 60 business break ins.
Just like its close by neighbour Onehunga South East, Penrose sees not only road traffic with Church Street, but also rail traffic as it is part of the rail hub in East Auckland.
7. Takanini South
60 Business Break ins

Breaking the trend of the last three areas, Takanini South actually sees a drop in break in rankings when filtering out the residential victims. Originally in 2nd, dropping to 7th. However still in the top 10 of a list where its better to be last, suffering 60 business break ins.
8. Henderson South
59 Business Break ins

Barely changing position, Henderson South moves from 9th to 8th place. Henderson is an area with fairly mixed residential and business zones. 59 business break ins.
9. Lynnmall
57 Business Break ins

Another West Auckland area, Lynnmall saw 57 business break-ins in 2022. In the full report Lynnmall features in only 16th position, here it takes the 9th spot.
10. Otahuhu West
53 Business Break ins

For the last spot in this unfavourable Top 10 we have Otahuhu West, a neighbourhood with mixed residential and business zoning. Dropping slightly from 7th in the full report, it is an improvement but still far from ideal with 53 business break ins.
How this report was made
Building on the original victimisations report from the police data website, we took some further steps to filter out all the residential, community, health, education, and unspecified location types.

We wanted to keep only those location types that were unmistakeably business locations. Unfortunately, there are most likely some businesses classified under unspecified location types, but it is now impossible to know how many. So location types like “Other Location” had to go.

After filtering out all the non-commercial location types, the data was merged back into one table not broken down by location types.

This data shows us the hotbeds of business break-ins in Auckland. It draws a clear picture of crime concentrated in East and South Auckland, outside of the obvious Auckland Central hotspot. With some more distributed through the western side of Auckland as well. It is more important than ever to invest into physical business defences like bollards, as well as a comprehensive business security system including CCTV cameras and alarm sensors.